Wheel Acid

Sale price$20


Wheel Acid?

  • Decontaminates automotive surfaces
  • Removal of Corrosion and Rust from Chrome Plated & Wired Wheels.
  • Reacts with iron deposits to neutralize bond with porous surfaces
  • prevents rust damage, scratches and swirl marks from occurring
  • Formula neutralizes the reactions that cause rust and paint failure caused by hot brake dust particles
  • Removes stubborn brake dust, iron deposits, and other embedded metallic contamination from wheels and lower body panels
  • Size: Gallon

How Wheel Acid Works?

USA Auto Supply's Wheel Acid removes stubborn brake dust, iron deposits, and other embedded metallic contamination from wheels and lower body panels. Brake dust has shards of steel and iron from brake pad friction material, brake rotors, and burnt carbon left over after intense braking. This material gets sprayed out from the brakes and embeds itself into wheels, undercarriage parts, lower body panels, and all over nearby vehicles. This brake dust is  abrasive and corrosive, and without proper and quick removal, it causes a chemical reaction that leads to permanent rust damage, or scratches and swirl marks from improper cleaning.

Acid Wheel Cleaners
Wheel Acids have been part of the car cleaning scene for generations, and there’s a good reason why Acid Wheel Cleaners have been a part of the automotive cleaning industry for so long, and that’s because they’re highly effective. Unlike other areas of your car, wheels can be difficult to clean with detergents and elbow grease alone, and this is down to the incredibly harsh environment in which wheels operate. Not only are wheels directly in the firing line when it comes to road grime, tar and other common contaminants, they’re also home to your brakes. Bringing any car to a halt involves huge pressures, and as a direct result, massively high temperatures. The temperatures generated by heavy braking serve to bake the tiny flecks of iron and brake pad shavings onto the wheel, meaning that nothing but an advanced, chemically formulated product can shift them. Let USA Auto Supply's Wheel Acid get rid of the grime before your eyes.

When to use Acid Wheel Cleaners

Despite what certain sections of the internet would have you believe, Wheel Acids are safe to use on most alloy wheels, hence why they still form a key component in our own range. Indeed, most Wheel Acids are perfectly safe to use on the vast majority of wheels, including those with lacquered alloy, painted and plastic finishes. USA Auto Supply's Wheel Acid will make short work of baked on iron deposits, minuscule debris from brake pads and discs, and all other types of accumulated road grime.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Manuel Alvarez

Excelent product but expensive shipping

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Based on 1 review
Manuel Alvarez

Excelent product but expensive shipping